Breadfruits have prickly, yellow-green skin and a round to football-sized shape, although their appearance can vary depending on the variety and growing conditions. Some varieties are seedless, while others can be extremely seedy. When immature, the fruit is hard, the skin is green, and the white flesh is starchy and slightly fibrous. As the fruit ripens, it becomes softer, the skin turns yellow to yellow-brown, and the flesh becomes pale yellow in color and creamy in texture with a sweet smell.
Recommended Temp Storage Zone : 45-48°F (Cold Storage)
Season Chart : All Year
Specialty : yes
Breadfruits have prickly, yellow-green skin and a round to football-sized shape, although their appearance can vary depending on the variety and growing conditions. Some varieties are seedless, while others can be extremely seedy. When immature, the fruit is hard, the skin is green, and the white flesh is starchy and slightly fibrous. As the fruit ripens, it becomes softer, the skin turns yellow to yellow-brown, and the flesh becomes pale yellow in color and creamy in texture with a sweet smell.